1 cup Southern Recipe Small Batch Pork Rinds, crushed
1 lb. Cubed steak, cut into 2" pieces
1/2 cup Almond flour
1/4 cup Heavy whipping cream
2 Eggs
1 tsp. Black pepper
1 cup Chicken broth
Season both sides of each cubed steak generously with salt and pepper.
Using three shallow bowls, add almond flour to one bowl. Whisk together eggs with 2 tbsp. water in the second bowl. In the third bowl, add crushed pork rinds.
First, dip a cubed steak in the almond flour to coat.
Dip the almond flour coated cubed steak pieces into the egg wash.
Next, place the cubed steak in the crushed pork rinds to coat on both sides. Repeat with remaining cube steak and set aside.
Add coated steak pieces to air fryer for 4-5 minutes at 400 °F.
To make gravy: in a sauce pan whisk heavy cream and chicken broth. Simmer until sauce reduces and thickens.
Remove chicken fried steak from air fryer and top with gravy.